Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I don't class this as a limerick, but, if you'll forgive me for that and the intentional pun, the message here is what is important.

Six billion a month is the cost of the war

With Iraq, - just money that floods out the door
That burden to taxpayers is heavy
New Orleans has the need of that levee
To detour the floods from their door

And God said let there be night and day and that started a revolution

I may rinse the garden from my hands but the soil of my labours remains for ever.

Wisdom is the rational analysis of knowledge and is not usually acquired until an age is reached when the hormones become manageable.

Because the Queen sends telegrams to folk who live to celebrate their one hundredth birthdays throughout the Commonwealth, could it mean that when she turns one hundred that she will be sent a marmogram?

A person when passing through an unfamiliar town, stopped the car and asked a local where the WC was; and he replied 'Wesleyan Church? Yes, turn right at the next intersection and it's there in front of you - just beside the public toilets'. (Just ask the right question and you will be fully enlightened).

A brain surgeon was late home one night so his wife gave him a piece of her mind.

'There are more fish in the sea', as the saying goes, but even they are being scaled down a bit.

If you have life insurance and you lose your life to pirahna fish, can your family claim anything back?

My doctor makes me sick.

Every good gardener has a sense of humus.

Example of evolution:- A slug is a snail that came out of its shell, unwound and decided to go straight.

Mark Twain
Went down the drain
Some say he was a hippy
That's no drain, he said; that's the Mississippi

My doctor loses his patience - and I'm not going to be one of them!

Beneath a starry romantic sky
She said no
And I said why
A sudden cloudburst made a soggy mess
I said no
And she said yes

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